by K9 Power Team February 03, 2021 3 min read

Is your family growing by four paws? A new dog or puppy brings a ton of love, joy, and picture-perfect moments. You’ll see your family members in a new light as they take on roles as the dog’s teachers, caretakers, and best friends. 

As you count down the days until you introduce a new dog to your household, try these tips to ensure a smooth transition and foster a lifelong bond with your whole family.  

Preparing Kids For Responsible Dog Ownership

Kids and dogs can be wonderful playmates, but the perfect friendship doesn’t always come naturally. It’s important that your kids have realistic expectations of their new dog and age-appropriate responsibilities so you can set them up for success.

Let your kids know that a new puppy is like a newborn baby. Even a newly adopted adult dog will need a lot of patience at first while they settle in. Keep in mind that your kids, too, will need time to adjust to the change in your household. Notes, virtual reminders, and even sticker charts can help your kids take on new responsibilities such as feeding the dog, cleaning the yard, or taking the dog for walks. 

Books, videos, articles, and documentaries are all great ways to teach crucial dog ownership skills like understanding  canine body language, basic training, grooming, and care. Possibly the most important lesson you can teach your kids about dogs is how to play and show affection in ways that dogs understand. 

For example, dogs tend to feel uncomfortable when hugged but love a good scratch under the chin or on their back. Kids should learn to look for signs that a dog needs space, such as avoiding contact, turning away, showing the whites of their eyes, pinning their ears, or growling. 

Also, teach good play manners. Dogs can become overexcited around screaming or running children and may chase kids and tug on their clothes. Show your kids how to use large stuffed toys and ropes to play low-contact fetch and tug-o-war, rather than putting their hands in the dog’s face, as puppies may take time to learn to play without nipping at fingers.

Creating A Safe Space For Your New Dog

When you first bring your dog home, it might be tempting to give them the grand tour. But your new pup may feel overwhelmed if immediately given free range of every bedroom, bathroom, corner, and nook. What’s more, even if they have been previously house-trained, they may be prone to accidents while they adjust to your home. 

It makes sense to give your dog a quiet,  safe space at first to help them get settled. There, you can place their crate, bed, food and water bowls, toys, and potty pads if you plan on using them. You can use a baby gate or a doggy playpen to create this space. 

Your Dog’s First Night Home

Where will your new dog sleep? You can have them sleep in their safe space, in their crate, or you can even let them sleep with you in their bed. Experts disagree on whether it’s a good idea to sleep with a new puppy. In some cases, sleeping with your puppy  can be a great way to help them feel safe and ensure that you wake up with them when they need to go outside.

If your puppy will be sleeping in a crate or a gated-off area, they may feel lonely and scared at night. You may want to sleep near them or bring their crate next to your bed. 

Support For Stressed Tummies

New puppies and adult dogs may suffer an upset stomach when adjusting to a new environment, especially if they will also be transitioning to a different food.

Puppy Gold™️ from K9 Power®️  is full of prebiotics and probiotics to support your puppy’s digestion. It also supports their growth and helps nurture their developing immune system. For adult dogs, try  Digest Forte™️.

In the short-term, probiotic supplements like Puppy Gold or Digest Forte™️ can help relieve an upset tummy due to stress and dietary changes. In the long run, they can boost your dog’s immune system, grow strong muscles, and keep them feeling their best. 



 Ongoing Support For New Dogs and Puppies

It can take about three months for your new dog to settle into your household. At the same time, your kids and other family members may need help adjusting to new routines and responsibilities. It’s essential to stay patient - and even more important to take plenty of photos!

Is your new pup on the ‘Gram yet? Let’s be friends! Tag @k9_power or use our hashtag #K9PowerDogs to introduce your new addition for a chance to be featured on our page. 

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